
Wood On Glass

Schoolhouse and Pupils – Unknown Location

The scene is crowded with forty schoolchildren of various ages and three adults. Most students have dressed up for the important occasion of having their picture taken. One school teacher, in a dark suit and bow tie, poses with an open book. The freshly painted, one-room schoo... Read more

Wood On Glass

Portrait of a Family – Location Unknown

Individual families often hired Clarke to take their portraits. This family is pictured outdoors, likely because the lighting was better outside. They pose among wood chips, log slabs, and a partially squared log at their feet, all indicative of a work site. The woman sits in a c... Read more

Wood On Glass

Log Slide Through a Lumber Camp – North Central PA 1890

Clarke contracted with various lumber companies to make images of their logging camps. Pictured here is a relatively large camp with tools, equipment, barrels, baskets, boxes, a ladder, a grinding stone, a washboard, laundry, and a wagon scattered in a seemingly confused jumble.... Read more

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