The museum, classified as a “natural history museum,” is on the second floor of a township building at 196 Main Street in North Bend. Tours of the building can be arranged by appointment, and visitors can participate in the archaeological dig, with instruction and under supervision. For information or to schedule a tour, contact Doug Rowe at 570-923-2044.
Hynerpeton is something special. It’s said to be one of the earliest known tetrapods discovered, and the first one discovered in North American outside of Greenland. That alone would make the site worth a visit.
And if you’re in the neighborhood, there are plenty of other interesting attractions. Kettle Creek State Park has camping, hiking and equestrian trails; Hyner View State Park is a great place to see an incredible vista; and there are plenty of opportunities for hiking and boating nearby.
Nestled in North Bend lies a fascinating place. It’s enjoyable and educational, and you can take a trip there that was millions of years in the making.