Heritage / Wood On Glass
Frank H. Goodyear of the Goodyear Lumber Company is credited with adapting the basic idea of the portable steam shovel, patented by Henry M. Barnhart in 1884, to the logging industry around 1887. The Barnhart loaders operated from rails fastened to the tops of the log cars; allowing movement from car to car as each was loaded. Here, the locomotive is at the far end of cars already loaded and the log loader is working its way to the rear. Freeman Run is within the Susquehannock State Forest, north of Austin.
Wood On Glass
The scene is crowded with forty schoolchildren of various ages and three adults. Most students have dressed up for the important occasion of having their picture taken. One school teacher, in a dark suit and bow tie, poses with an open book. The freshly painted, one-room schoo... Read more
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