Heritage / Wood On Glass

At Work With a Crosscut – Nine Mile, Potter County

Two men work together with a crosscut saw, removing a trunk section of a peeled hemlock tree that broke when it fell across another tree already down. A break like this was undesirable, for sawmills could not create boards from the tree unless the damage was removed. Loggers prided themselves in dropping a tree without such a mistake, but the occasional accident still occurred. When sawyers worked together with a crosscut saw, the technique was to pull only; never push. Timing was essential and sawyers soon adjusted to one another’s rhythm if they were to keep working together. Image is near PA Lumber Museum along Route 6.

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Wood On Glass

Schoolhouse and Pupils – Unknown Location

The scene is crowded with forty schoolchildren of various ages and three adults. Most students have dressed up for the important occasion of having their picture taken. One school teacher, in a dark suit and bow tie, poses with an open book. The freshly painted, one-room schoo... Read more

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