
Boom Heritage

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The Lumber Heritage Region and the Oil Region Alliance have teamed up to bring you a series of Presentations about the Boom years of the Oil and Lumber Industries. These monthly Presentations will compare the two industries and help you understand the importance Western Pennsylvania played in the building of America.

A Roust About and A Wood Hick! – Listen to their tales from the days during the booms and can ask our reenactors about a day in the life of these characters. Presented by Van Wagner, Historian/Singer/Song Writer and William Stumpf Historian.

An Insider’s Look at the Drake Well and the Pennsylvania Lumber State Museums – A show and tell of the tools and artifacts used during the boom era in one or both industries that are not always on display at the museums.

Women in the Lumber and Oil Industries – A presentation about the roles of women during the height of the oil and lumber booms. These often-overshadowed stories will illustrate the importance of women in the industries. Presented by Hilary Jebitsch Diversity Researcher.

Industrial Impacts on the Environment and the Later Recovery – The environmental impacts of oil and lumber extraction in Western PA. What it was like before and after the laws and legislation were put in place for the two industries. Presented by Amy Shields Alleghany Hardwoods Utilization Group and Brian Black Penn State.

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Wood On Glass

Schoolhouse and Pupils – Unknown Location

The scene is crowded with forty schoolchildren of various ages and three adults. Most students have dressed up for the important occasion of having their picture taken. One school teacher, in a dark suit and bow tie, poses with an open book. The freshly painted, one-room schoo... Read more

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