Welcome to the Local Legends of Lumbering video series. This series was created with a few different outcomes in mind. One you can enjoy the generational history of some of our local families. Two we hope to inspire locals to look in their own back yards, the forest, for gainful employment.

Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a Forest Products Industry worker looks like? The Lumber Heritage Region (aka LHR) funded by DCNR’s partnership grant has produced its first round of Local Legends of Lumber video series.

The lumber harvested in Pennsylvania’s forests helped build America in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Today it is no different, the hardwoods harvested in the Lumber Heritage Region are sought after worldwide. This is an interesting industry in so many ways. Listening to the stories of how things were and are done generationally is eye-opening and honestly heartwarming.  There are three half-hour videos. The first interview was with Max Bingaman, Bingaman Lumber. The next two are Roger Rorabaugh, the former Rorabaugh Lumber and Larry, Dennis, Jake, and Jessica (Fresch) Hickman of Hickman Woods.

Our goal for this video project is to reach people living in the 15-county LHR and give them a better understanding of the impact the forest products industry has on our everyday lives. It is a way to educate people on the importance of using hardwoods in their lives. Most of all, it is a way for us to educate youth on how a career in the forest products industry can be challenging, rewarding, and fruitful. The legends that are depicted in these videos are sharing their life’s journeys, (short version of course), in hopes, that more people gain not only an understanding of the many uses of lumber but also build a deeper appreciation for the area we live in.

Click here to view the video series LOCAL LEGENDS OF LUMBERING