Forest Service News Release Environmental Analysis of Fourmile Project Allegheny National Forest Seeks Comments - Lumber Heritage Region

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Forest Service News Release Environmental Analysis of Fourmile Project Allegheny National Forest Seeks Comments

Written by Jswatsworth

According to Bradford District Ranger Rich Hatfield, “In the summer of 2021, a group of Forest Service resource specialists reviewed this project area and developed a series of actions to bring the project area into better balance with the goals and objectives identified in the Allegheny National Forest’s Management Plan.”

Within the project area, proposed actions include improvements to forest health through tree harvesting and reforestation; oak restoration; prescribed fire; treatment of non-native invasive plants; wildlife habitat improvements; and aquatic habitat and stream improvements. Transportation actions in the project include adding roads to the Forest Service transportation system, road management changes, and improvements to existing roads.

Details of the proposal are posted at:

Please respond with site-specific comments about the proposed activities along with supporting information and rationale to help identify issues that need to be addressed by March 28, 2022. Comments may be submitted via:

• Mail: District Ranger, USDA Forest Service, Allegheny National Forest, Bradford Ranger District, 29 Forest Service Dr., Bradford, PA 16701
• Email: Please enter the project name (Fourmile Project) on the subject line and include your name and physical mailing address with your comments.
• Fax: 814-362-2761
• Phone: 814-363-6000 business hours are 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

Hatfield added that “Your comments are important to help guide management on these public lands. We carefully review every comment we receive on proposed activities. Comments may be used to modify or develop alternatives to the proposed action.”

For more information about this project, please contact Wendy Andersen at 814-363-6012

Public Affairs Officer: Christopher Leeser

(814) 728-6281