Exciting opportunity from NC PREP Partner, Workforce Solutions for North Central PA. - Lumber Heritage Region

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Exciting opportunity from NC PREP Partner, Workforce Solutions for North Central PA.

Written by Jswatsworth

Exciting opportunity from  NC PREP Partner, Workforce Solutions for North Central PA.

Workforce Solutions would like to announce that the Manufacturing Training to Careers Internship Program application is now available. The DCED funding is to provide a professional internship program for students (18 years and older) who are currently training or have completed a manufacturing field of study. Manufacturing companies that are part of the North Central PA Workforce region are eligible to recruit and hire interns for this program. Employers should review the eligibility criteria in the attached program description before completing an application.

Contact Workforce Solutions staff for questions at 814 245-1835.

Terry Hinton thinton@ncwdb.org Pam Streich pstreich@ncwdb.org