Environmental Analysis of Pleasant Project - Lumber Heritage Region

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Environmental Analysis of Pleasant Project

Written by Jswatsworth

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Allegheny National Forest (ANF) is initiating an environmental analysis of the Pleasant Project, located in Brokenstraw, Conewango, Mead, Pleasant, and Watson Townships, Warren County, Pennsylvania.

Bradford District Ranger Rich Hatfield said, “In response to conditions within the Pleasant project area, the Forest Service is proposing a series of actions to bring the project area into better balance with goals and objectives identified in the ANF Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan).”

Within the project area, proposed actions include: improvements to forest health through tree harvesting and reforestation; oak restoration; prescribed fire; treatment of non-native invasive plants; wildlife habitat improvements; and aquatic habitat and stream improvements. Transportation actions include adding roads to the Forest Service transportation system, road management changes, and improvements to existing roads.

Details of the proposal are posted at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=59453

An opportunity to comment begins when a legal notice is published in the Bradford Era, and ends 30 days after publication occurs. Comments may be submitted via:

  • Mail: District Ranger, USDA Forest Service, Allegheny National Forest, Bradford Ranger District, 29 Forest Service Dr., Bradford, PA 16701
  • Email: comments-eastern-allegheny-bradford@fs.fed.us. Please enter the project name (Pleasant Project) on the subject line and include your name and physical mailing address.
  • Phone: 814-363-6000 or  Fax: (814) 362-2761

“Your comments are important, and may be used to modify or develop alternatives to the proposed action,” Hatfield said. For more information about this project, please contact Wendy Andersen at (814) 363-6012 or wendy.andersen@usda.gov.